You want to grow your business and be successful, but you don’t want to spend ages and lots of effort chasing after lots of new clients all the time. Because that’s quite time consuming, and hard work.
You do need new clients to grow, of course you do. Sometimes you’ll lose some – a client might go out of business or be taken over by another company with HR in place, or you might ditch a client for being a nightmare, or they may simply no longer need the services you provide. And a certain amount of growth means at least some new clients regularly, as well as keeping things interesting!
But the good news is to grow your business at least a bit, you probably need fewer clients than you think. Here are three ways to get some growth without any new clients at all.
1. You’re probably undercharging
Most people do, at least at the beginning. You worry about being too expensive and wonder if you should cut your prices, or suffer from imposter syndrome and wonder why on earth someone would pay high rates for you.
But clients don’t pick their HR consultant based on who is cheapest. As long as they feel you deliver value, that’s fine. And people value what they pay highly for, far more than what they’re getting cheaply. If you put your prices up, it’s highly unlikely you’ll lose existing clients, and you’ll have grown your business without doing anything at all.
2. Sell more stuff to the ones you’ve already got
It’s far easier to sell services to people who are already your client. They know you, they trust you, they (hopefully) think you do a good job. So if you recommend something, they’ll trust that you genuinely think it would benefit them, and it will be far less scary a prospect going ahead with an additional service from you than it may have been the first time, or may be for a brand new client.
Have a think about your existing clients. What other services or products do you think they could benefit from? Talk to them about what you think would help their business and expand your income from the clients you have without needing new ones.
3. Resurrect old ones
This is cheating a little bit, but clients you’ve worked for in the past aren’t really new, they’re just dormant. Have a look through everyone you’ve worked for before, and get in touch with them. Some of them might need you again. Some of them could possibly benefit from something you now offer that you didn’t before.
Or if there is a ‘hook’ of something having changed in the employment law world since you last worked with them, they might need some help with that. GDPR coming in was a good example of that for us, but there is usually something new happening.
Tapping into income from clients who already know and trust you is the easiest way of growing so if you feel you need a ‘boost’, do some work on that before worrying too much about finding lots of new clients.
If you’re interested in talking to us about becoming a partner with face2faceHR with bags of support, do get in touch.