One of the key services we provide our partners is a regular monthly newsletter sent on their behalf. It’s one of the things that
How the newsletter works to get clients
Our newsletter has an incredibly high open and
The keys to our marketing model are
To become that go-to person, you need to become the first person people think of when they get to the point they are ready to buy HR services, or when someone asks them for a
The second important thing for keeping “top of mind” when people need someone is by continually demonstrating that you would be a good bet, that you know what you are doing. Again, the newsletter demonstrates that you are friendly and accessible because of the tone and content, that you have expert knowledge and are up to date with developments, and that you can quickly identify how legal changes impact on small businesses.
Potential clients who receive the newsletter regularly are more than likely going to contact you when they get to the stage of needing some help. You become a known, familiar quantity; they see your face regularly and know you know what you are talking about, so they call you rather than one of your competitors.
So what does it entail?
You can easily see why a newsletter is important, but if you become a partner with us, what will we actually be doing for you?
We draft a newsletter each month. We spend time researching
We draft news items about these in language that will appeal to these
We enable direct subscribing on our website, and offer an incentive for people to subscribe (currently a free download of a comprehensive guide to recruitment and selection). We manage a contact list for you so that people who subscribe to the newsletter who are based in your area, or people who are subscribed after you’ve personally met them go on your list rather than a central one, and get a newsletter personally from you.
We send the newsletter out from you, with your photo and short
All this is pretty time-consuming for us, but as a key tool for new client development, it’s something we feel is important to offer our partners.
Want a newsletter to go out to local potential clients from you? To find out more about becoming a face2faceHR partner please download our prospectus.