As a start-up business funds are usually very tight and are spent on essentials only. You do as much as possible yourself at least at first, to avoid having to pay someone else to do it. You might cobble together your own website (as I did at first, to the detriment of my stress levels..), do lots of research on the internet to get advice on different aspects of running a business, and then try to work out what advice is worthwhile paying attention to and what is either nonsense or irrelevant to your business. While this process can clearly be a false economy, it is a reality for most people.
One of the things that frequently comes low-down on the list of spending priorities for individuals starting up their own business is expert advice in a variety of areas. Even when funds get a bit looser, it’s often the practical, time-consuming stuff that gets paid for, rather than what can be seen as non-essential advice. But advice from others who are experts at what they do can be invaluable in making sure your business is as successful as possible as quickly as possible.
So that’s one of the things we fund for our partners. We’ve invested in marketing expertise, research, brand development, financial management and business management advice, website development, graphic design and legal advice, all of which our partners benefit from in their own consultancy businesses from day one.
Working with us gives you access to all of that expertise from a much earlier stage in your business than you realistically would if you were on your own. It’s important to us that our partners’ businesses have the best possible chance of success, for their benefit and ours. And let’s face it, when you’re starting up is when this kind of headstart is most beneficial.
If you’re interested in talking to us about becoming a partner with face2faceHR with bags of support, do get in touch.