If you’re considering self-employment, do you actually know what to do? How will you run your business on a day to day basis? Do you know what your priorities should be? Do you know how you’ll get work?
Of course doing bags of research is vital, regardless of how much support you are getting, but when speaking to HR professionals thinking of going it alone, we’ve found that they say one of the most scary things about setting up on their own is not knowing what to actually do. The thing they tend to be most worried about is how to get clients, understandably, but actually there are myriad other tasks involved in running a successful business as well. So we cover the lot! Our PlayBook is the online operations manual for running a successful HR consultancy. There is a large section on marketing and also sections on products and services, business operations/planning and client management.
Each section has clear information telling our consultants exactly what they need to do in respect of each area of their business, and even more importantly, how to do it. As well as the clear instructions, each section of the PlayBook has downloads with tips, guidance and templates all designed to make every aspect of running an HR consultancy as easy as possible. We’re constantly adding to these and building on the information consultants have available to them.
For example, in the marketing section, consultants find information about the six elements involved in our marketing model, and exactly how each element needs to be done and combined with the others in order to maximise success. Working all that stuff out alone can (and probably will) take months or even years, or you may not ever get there. Not knowing what to do, or doing some of it but not in the right way, or not knowing whether it’s working can be enormously stressful, especially in the early days of a business, which are stressful enough anyway!
If you’re thinking of starting your own HR consultancy but are worried about uncertainty and spending months working out how to do it successfully, do get in touch.