One of our key philosophies at face2faceHR is not to waste time chasing people. We’re all about the time saving generally, but we also like to make things as easy and pleasurable as possible at the same time.
Bearing this in mind, one of the most crucial things to us is ensuring the potential clients we talk to are ones that are already half way there; are already in a position where they know they need the services you provide. Because then all you have to do is convince them that you’d be the best bet.
Talking to business owners who don’t think they need HR services and trying to convince them that they do is time consuming, not enjoyable and also not particularly productive in terms of converting to fee-paying work. Of course in terms of statistics, if you do enough of this, you are bound to eventually convert some of it into client work, but actually, as well as being about time saving and effective marketing, we are also keen for our consultants to have the best quality, most enjoyable work with pleasant clients who are keen to have them there.
Clients you’ve terrified into hiring you through scare stories, or doom and gloom laden discussions and proposals but who thought they didn’t need HR are never going to be the clients you enjoy working with and want to build an ongoing relationship with (and let’s face it, ongoing relationships are the most effective way to increase your profits with minimum effort).
They will be resistant, sometimes resentful, will not be keen to involve you in the business and are less likely to sign up for retained advice.
So we designed our marketing model and methods based heavily on one thing. Getting clients who already want your services to come to you. Much more pleasant and easier all round…The percentage of leads you get that turn into regular paying clients in our marketing model is incredibly high. It reduces the amount of time you spend on people who are not going to buy down to an absolute minimum, and cuts out any and all activities which are not going to be fruitful for you.
It’s immensely satisfying and a great confidence boost knowing whenever you go and see a potential new client the chances they will sign up with you are high, but by getting them to come to you, that’s what happens.
If you want our support in getting small business clients in your area to come to you do get in touch.