Communicating well with employees – why does it matter?

Jan 2, 2017 | Good Management

Do you or your managers communicate well with your employees? In many small businesses there is no specific strategy around employee communication. This isn’t necessarily a problem, but it’s worth having a think about what communication looks like between managers and staff in your organisation at the moment, and seeing if it can be improved.

But why do this? In a small business it can be easy to think that just as a result of the small numbers of staff, and working arrangements, there is naturally plenty of communication. But that isn’t always the case, and even if there’s plenty of opportunity for people to talk to one another, if it’s not the right communication, done in the right way, including all the right subjects and using the best methods, then you’re not making the most of it.

Here are some of the key benefits of good employee communication:

Improved compliance with policies and procedures

Because employees have access to them and understand them. This in turn reduces conduct issues and management time spent addressing failures in this area, including lateness, dress code compliance, and many other essential procedures, rules and practices.

These are in place for a reason but if they haven’t been communicated to employees effectively, they will not be followed consistently.

Improved job performance

Because employees have all the instructions, information and guidance they need to perform their role effectively and understand what is expected of them, reducing management time in addressing performance issues.

Higher levels of employee engagement and motivation

Because employees feel more involved in the organisation and valued. They understand the organisation’s goals, objectives and how their work supports these. This in turns leads to

  • Reduced absence rates
  • Higher retention rates
  • Increased productivity and performance
  • Reduced level of internal complaints, grievances and dissatisfaction

Improved customer service

Because good communication is a two-way street. Managers who seek and gain feedback from their teams about operational issues can take those into account when forming strategy for the future. In turn, teams can see their views are sought and valued, and feel motivated and valued themselves as a result, improving performance and engagement.

Good communication has very real tangible benefits for businesses, and all of the above positive effects of good employee communication can be achieved by even the smallest business by considering how you communicate with your staff and whether it can be improved upon.

If you would like assistance in improving the way you communicate with your employees, do get in touch.